

Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) the group is hosted by Rochelle, each week we find an inspiring new photo on her blog:


Make every word count.

To see all the great 100 word stories of the weekly challenge use this link:

I am happy with your comments! Since English is my second language I am glad about any help to improve grammar or terms.


When I close my eyes the scene appears immediately: small houses sticking to the terraced hill, cypresses, bald and lonely, warm rain falling from mountain clouds.  I can hear the music of the landscape, it sounds in my heart like an everlasting OM, telling me I love my homeland, wherever I will be on this planet. But still I am thousands of miles away and God only knows, if I ever will come back again. The day I followed you changed my life completely. Though, after thirty years I am sure my home is where my heart is. And my heart is with you.

words: 104

38 Gedanken zu „Loveletter

  1. This was wonderful and so impressed that English is your second language. Dawn referred me to you and that love letter was one I could definitely write my husband. He is German and we just moved back to Germany in May.


  2. Such lovely sentiments, I really enjoyed this. Not a grammar point, but I think the houses ‚clinging‘ to the hillside has a better ring than ’sticking‘. Just a personal viewpoint. Really well done.


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