

Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) the group is hosted by Rochelle, each week we find an inspiring new photo on her blog:


Make every word count. To see all the great 100 word stories of the weekly challenge use this link


He courted me, besieged me with expensive gifts and last night he came up with his real identity.

“I am Zeus,” he said and smiled, “no woman could ever resist me.”

I was sure definitely now he was insane.

“But I love Tommy,” my voice trembled.

“Sure,” his eyes were cold. “That´s the place he is waiting for you, Darling.”

He handed me a piece of parchment. I knew the street, lots of beautiful old mansions.

I found the house and slowly panic was spreading in my stomach.

“Tommy? “

Above my head I heard a crunching noise and looked up into Tommy`s stony face-

Genre: fantasy

Words: 105

21 Gedanken zu „Stonecold

  1. Poor Tommy! Sounds like he’s still alive in there somewhere, in some way, poor guy.
    Those ancient gods could be really nasty – and Tommy didn’t even realise he was „in the way“ 😦


    • Thanks Sandra – I am happy I picked out the right word 🙂 „crunchy“ is already familiar in Germany for potatoe chips or biscuits, and I wanted to create that „sound“. Thank you for reading Sandra,
      Liebe Grüße


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